Thursday 15 November 2012

Design Elements and illustrations

I really like this sketch I did of Ben and plan to use has an element in my designs, the tears from the eye will be the water he is splashing in. This drawing really represents my concept as it is meant to symbolise how even when you are heart broken you can still find a memory that makes you feel happy. Without sadness and heartbreak can we really appreciate love happiness.

I drew this piece by hand but when I scanned it in to photoshop it took literally ages to clean up around the lashes as I wanted it to be perfect, I think it may have been easier to draw the lashes on in photoshop or illustrator but not sure if it would have the same feel. This is something for me to experiment with in future.

Textured card used to stamp ink onto paper to use as tears

Once I had scanned all the seperate elements in I played around with it in Photoshop and came up with this final placement design. I can see this on a slouchy jumper dress, with the eye on the shoulder or maybe a hood, the tears falling all the way down the dress with Ben at the bottom splashing in the puddle. This design is my favourite piece so far as it is really personal and through all my sadness for the loss of my little brave star Ben it celebrates his always happy spirit.

I made this illustration of Rita Ora, my muse for the project, using dots instead of line. To get a variety of marks I just used different sizes of drawing pen, I was quite pleased with the result as I am not usually good at getting the facial proportion right and this technique is a simple way of giving texture or shading. 

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